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Mastering Complexity
Thriving in Rapid Change

Mastering Complexity
Thriving in Rapid Change

For a world characterized by escalating complexity and an always faster pace of change, we develop a novel class of methodologies and tools. Our modular “cognitive workbenches” allow to de-aggregate complex reasoning processes into their individual thinking steps and to reaggregate them into highly transparent, actively re-thinkable and further developable reasoning architectures. In this way, they support the ability to master complexity and change. At the same time, they foster the further unfolding of our innate thinking skills.

Our Mission is

  • to provide the means for mastering rapidly increasing complexity and turbulent change
  • to provide disruptive innovations for the following 4 fields: Medicine & Healthcare, Education & Science, Business & Finance, and Democracy & Governance,
  • to provide methodologies and tools that make the utmost human activity of thinking again a fascinating and joyful experience.

Cognitive Workbenches

  • a human-made visual reasoning architecture representing all the essential thinking steps of a profession
  • a modular suite of methodologies and tools covering the essential “cognitive value creation” of a profession
  • allowing to generate an AI-based default filling
  • that can subsequently be optimised step by step in a live, co-operative thinking process

The DocPad supporting the entire reasoning and decision making loop from anamneses to therapy

The Tetra Suite for a novel form of 
multidimensionally optimised management

ATLAS as a novel platform supporting fascination-based and brain-optimised teaching and learning

The eAgora as a novel approach to represent complex 
political choices and co-operatively develop sound solutions

The Core Team of
Paradigmatic Innovations